Christmas Emoticon Calendar 2008
1st December
Blue: "Let's decorate!"
Red: "Eeek?"
2nd December
Red: "Found it!"
Blue: *shifty eyes*
3rd December
Blue: "I said be careful!"
Red: *hangs in there*
4th December
Blue: "I'm not sure that's part of the plan..."
Red: "Wondrous star, lend thy light!"
[Or more like: Electricity - light me up!]
5th December
Red: "OMG, my stocking for Saint Nicholas Day is not finished!"
Blue: "Knitting bell, knitting bell, knitting all the way..."
6th December
Blue: *big fuzzy feelings*
Red: "Candy-Cane!"
7th December
Red: *on fire*
Blue: "Baby light my fire?"
8th December
Red: *sneeze* *tremble*
Blue: "Oh, poor little one..." *hugs*
9th December
Red: "Soooo warmy..." *peeks at Blue*
Blue: *hums* *knits*
10th December
Red: "Jingle bell rock // Jingle around the clock..."
Blue: "Christmas Rock?!" *shifty eyes*
11th December
Blue: "That's definitely not the Christmas way..."
Red: "May the force gift you..." *hehe*
12th December
Red Raider: "Give me your Christmas gifts and cookies!" *rawr*
Blue: "Ohgodnotagain. Hide the cookies, people!"
13th December
Silent night, holy night // all is calm, all is bright...
14th December
Blue: "Warm and yummy Christmas cookies!"
Red: "Yesyesyes, pluuuuuese!"
15th December
Blue: "With all my love, my little Christmas cookie."
Red: *loves* *swoons*
16th December
Blue: "I feel kinda... snowed in...?"
Red: *hides snowflakes*
17th December
Blue: "Okay, who turned the dark on?"
???: "Whoops?"
Red: "Eeeek?!"
18th December
Red: "Woah?"
Blue: "You ain't a green elf..."
Green: "Mars-y Little Christmas!"
19th December
Green: "Ta da! I bring gifts!"
Red "Wheee!" *grabby hands*
Blue: *goes all wide-eyed*
20th December
Blue: "Love is in the air..."
Green: *feels loved*
Red: *smoochies*
21st December
Red: "Bob, the Snowman..."
Green: *does the nose-job*
Blue: "Aaaand, another gift!"
22nd December
Red: "SNOWFIGHT!" *wheee*
Blue: "May someone save us all..."
Green: *ebil snow-thoughts*
23rd December
Last preparations = heavy gift traffic...
24th December
Merry Christmas!