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23 September 2008 @ 05:36 pm
The basics (since the beginning of time. I mean, the internet)...

bold | italic | underline | strike-through | link

[info]mercscilla | [info]street_of_mercy

A little more advanced...

I'm a blockquote. I'm very useful if you want to quote your favourite characters of your favourite show. Or if you have tons of quotes you want to share with the rest of the world.

And the fade to black or otherwise called...

cut. fade to black. the end )
Current Location: somewhere
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Deliver Me - Sarah Brightman
13 September 2008 @ 05:09 pm
Locked entry.

  1. First item - ordered

  2. Second item - ordered

  3. Third item - ordered

  • First item - unordered

  • Second item - unordered

  • Third item - unordered
Current Mood: calm
28 February 2008 @ 03:09 am
LJ communities:

~ s2flexisquares - the LJ community for S2 Flexible Squares.
~ everything_lj - tutorials on Livejournal customization.


~ Sweetie Sublink - free web icons.
~ FamFamFam - free web icon sets.
~ graphicPUSH - free blog icon set.

~ - css tutorials.

~ Color Schemer Online - get your color values.

Firefox 2

Link back:

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: I'm Not Dead - Pink